About Us

The uplift of the women, the awakening of the masses must come first, and then only can any real good come about for the country, for India. – Swami Vivekananda

HELPO FOUNDATION – a family with a difference. None of us are related to one another yet we are together with a special bond – humanity. We are just 25 of us, working in 200 villages in the state of Maharashtra in India.

We have been in operation since 1987, involved in various activities in the field of rural development. We work with our rural brethren in the villages, motivating them in becoming self-sufficient, to live a life in dignity and prosperity. This is achieved through a focussed and structured series of programmes.

Our effort is to reach a maximum prednisone number of village communities and support them to identify opportunities that enable them to improve their standard of living by making them self-reliant at the grass-root level.

We hope to have both moral as well as financial support of the economically privileged classes, corporate houses and financial & social institutions in fulfilling our objective. For, this is not just our India’s objective, but of humanity’s. There are millions who are not so fortunate to be bestowed with life’s bounties though they are capable and willing to move the world to live in dignity. A little support from you can work wonders. What is the nature, purpose and direction of this movement? Man is living at a crucial time now. Science and technology enormously helped man. This phenomenal success in conquering both time and space has unfortunately made him behave as Superman above nature. HELPO movement is a humble attempt to unearth the traceable routes of his recklessly strange behaviour and also to identify the effective, checks and balances, with a view to tadalafil overnight delivery canada counter such adverse developments.

Would someone best generic levitra overnight refuse to share his resources in helping the needy child get educated, the hungry fed or the ailing treated? Certainly not! It is not only the common need but the primary duty that every sensible and civilised human would understand and appreciate.

Board of Directors

  • Dr. Abdul Salam – President
  • Dr. G. S. Motadoo – Vice President
  • Mr. D. J. Deshpande – Treasurer
  • Mr. Nischad Salam – Secretary General
  • Dr. M. V. Bhole – Member
  • Mr. K. N. R. Radhakrishnan – Member
  • Mr. P. V. Thomas – Member
  • Mrs. Gracy Salam – Member
  • Mr. K. Amir Ali – Member